Other times you show up and your first thought is "I wouldn't work in this toxic waste dump for ten million dollars."
The traditional interview format is a big part of the problem. Somebody came up with the standard, lame interview script sixty or seventy years ago and it's still going strong.
The standard interview script is brainless and insulting and it doesn't even do a good job of separating the best candidates from the worst ones. Still, people who are afraid to try new things don't dare deviate from it.
- What's your greatest weakness?
- With all the talented candidates, why should we hire you?
- Where do you see yourself in five years?
It isn't the interviewer's fault that they ask such thoughtless and uncreative questions. Somebody told them to. I wouldn't count out an entire organization just because somebody uses some of these dog interview questions, but if everybody in the joint is stuck in the same sixty-year-old interview-script time warp, you may want to keep looking.
As a manager, you don't have to ask the standard, stupid job interview questions when you interview candidates.
As a job-seeker, you get to decide how to answer stupid job interview questions when they come up. You can go the good-little-sheepie route and give the standard answer, like this:
THEM: With all the talented candidates, why should we hire you?
YOU: Well, I'm hard-working and I've got a lot of experience, I'm loyal and thrifty and never come late to work, and besides that I walk old ladies across the street.
People tell us all the time "I went to the interview and the words that came out of my own mouth horrified me. I felt like a brown-noser and a suckup. I don't talk that way in real life. I fell into the script and I couldn't climb out!"
For starters, if you shake up the script and give your interviewer an answer s/he wasn't expecting, you'll force him or her to think. That's good. You'll be more memorable that way, and if the interviewer is horrified that you'd step out of the box, what does that tell you?
It tells you that you don't want that job anyway.
Here are our three stupid interview questions and a choice of two answers for each one. The first answer is the standard sheepie answer, and the second one is for use when your mojo is high and you feel like busting a frame and growing your muscles a little.
Stupid Interview Question: "What's your greatest weakness?"
HIGH-MOJO ANSWER: "I used to obsess about my weaknesses. I used to think I had a million defects that needed correcting, and I read books and took classes to try to improve on them.
Stupid Interview Question: "With all the talented candidates, why should we hire you?"
HIGH-MOJO ANSWER: "That's what we're here to figure out, I guess! I can't say that you should hire me.
There might be somebody else who's perfect for the job - you've met the other candidates or will meet them, and of course you know more about the needs here than I do.
Stupid Interview Question: "Where do you see yourself in five years?"
HIGH-MOJO ANSWER: "Exploring one of my passions, undoubtedly -- maybe in Finance, or my interest in ecommerce or in an international role. I have a lot of passions!"
Read Liz Ryan's column "The Truth About Business (A Secret Message For Millennials)" on Forbes.com!
Our new 12-week virtual courses, including our new course Extreme Career Makeover, begin on Saturday, September 27th!
Learn about Extreme Career Makeover here. Read about our 12-week virtual courses here.
Follow Liz on Twitter: @humanworkplace
Liz Ryan's columns on LinkedIn!
Liz Ryan's columns on LinkedIn!
das 3. Symposium die Business Doctors, im Rahmen des Europäische Forums für Generationengerechte und gesunde Arbeitswelten, mit dem heurigen Thema „ Gesund bleiben –von der Arbeitsgesellschaft zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft „ vom 16. – 17. Oktober in der Burg Schlaining präsentiert. INFO LINK (KLICK NOW!)
das 3. Symposium die Business Doctors, im Rahmen des Europäische Forums für Generationengerechte und gesunde Arbeitswelten, mit dem heurigen Thema „ Gesund bleiben –von der Arbeitsgesellschaft zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft „ vom 16. – 17. Oktober in der Burg Schlaining präsentiert. INFO LINK (KLICK NOW!)
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